Thursday, March 26, 2020

CoronaCrafts - Day 9

It's a beautiful, sunny day in my little village, and it took me less than an hour to do my grocery shopping this morning, so things must be looking up!

Today's card is one of my fastest on record...

Maybe like many card-makers, I'm always coming up with stamps I wish existed: an image I would love to work with, or more often, a quote or a phrase I want to put on a card.  I keep a list of stamps to make someday when I have unlimited time and money and suddenly develop the design skills to make something graphically interesting and useful.  I know there are companies out there who make stamps for cardmakers, but the prices are often outside my budget.  I had a bunch of stamps made locally in 2016, but I used a shop who did a fine job, but just doesn't know from deep-etched art stamps.  I can and do use the stamps I had made, but I have to stamp carefully.  Late last year I found another company online who had good prices and an easy, online stamp set-up process, so I tried to have another stamp made.  The results were the same as the first situation - fine job, exactly what I paid for, but not the same quality as the art stamps I love using.   But I'm going to use the stamp anyway - just stamping lightly and many times to get a good impression. 

The day the stamp arrived, I pulled it off of the wood block, cut it into two strips, mounted it on cling foam and tried it out on a pre-printed card I'd gotten at some point from Concord & 9th.  Here's the result:

I didn't come up with this line.  I read it on a Cup of Jo blog post two years ago and have been hanging onto it ever since!  I don't know who actually said it, and as I'm not selling or distributing anything with this quote on it, I'm not going to track down the author and ask for permission to use it, but I'm so glad I have it in stamp form.

Someday I'll spend real money and spring for some custom art stamps.  What do you want to see in rubber stamp form?

Tomorrow:  more fun with quotes and writing

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